How Working from Home is Affecting your Body

Work from home

Have you noticed that you’re more sore since the quarantine has begun? Working from home may be the reason! Let’s take a look at how working from home affects our bodies and how we can combat those negative effects with stretches and exercises to support a healthy lifestyle in this new normal. 

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Avoiding Stiff Necks & Backs: 3 Stretches You Can Do at the Office

Stretching at the Office

Sitting for long periods in the office can be a terrible strain on your back, neck, and arms. To avoid that kind of ongoing strain, take a few minutes out of your break time to stretch. When you feel stiff or sore, stand up and try out a few of these office-friendly stretches to help limber up your back and neck and keep you out of spinal misery.

Continue reading Avoiding Stiff Necks & Backs: 3 Stretches You Can Do at the Office

Lower Back Pain? Could it be your mattress?

Can your mattress cause back pain?

Did you know that back pain is one of the most common types of pain felt by people in the US? We are constantly putting stresses and strains on our backs that culminate in back pain — especially lower back pain. It’s possible that your daily activities can cause your lower back pain, but if you are sleeping on a rough mattress or are sleeping in a certain position, this certainly won’t help ease your lower back pain. Continue reading Lower Back Pain? Could it be your mattress?

5 Things You Didn’t Know About the Spine

5 Facts About the Spine Infographic

Your spine is an amazing piece of natural construction. While many times we focus upon what goes wrong with the spine, we often overlook just how amazing the spinal column is. Check out these five fantastic facts about the spinal column.

1. The Amount of Vertebrae we have Changes Throughout our Life

When we’re born, we have 33 vertebrae total. Eventually, 4 fuse to create the tailbone, and 5 fuse to create the pelvis. As adults, we usually end up with 26 vertebrae. Still, some people may have a rare sixth lumbar vertebrae — something like 10% of the population can have this extra vertebrae.

2. Humans are Not the Only Animal that Suffer from Scoliosis

Many animals suffer from scoliosis, including dogs and cats. We’ve even seen x-rays of snakes and fish that also suffer from scoliosis. Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine.

3. Astronauts’ Heights Change

When out in space, astronauts don’t have to contend with gravity. Because of this, the cartilage between vertebrae can expand, meaning when they get back to Earth, they may be taller than when they left!

4. We’re Taller When We Wake Up

Just like astronauts, when we’re lying in bed at night, our spines don’t have to fight against the downward push of gravity. Because of this, when you’re sleeping some eight hours or more, the cartilage can expand. When you get up in the morning, you may be a bit taller than when you go to sleep at night.

5. Your Back Bone is Very Strong

It might not seem like it if you’re in pain, but the human skeletal system is incredibly strong. Your back bone can sustain almost a whole ton (2,000 lbs) of pressure before showing any signs of permanent damage. That’s a durable bone!

Technology is a Pain in the Neck

Person Using Phone and Computer

It’s tough for most of us to imagine even an hour passing without checking our phones, nevermind an entire day. As a society, we have become so dependent on our devices — cell phones being the biggest culprits — that we are routinely putting our health at risk without even realizing it. While there are many physical, psychological, and emotional concerns associated with this constant connectivity, the one we see more often than not presents as bad posture. Continue reading Technology is a Pain in the Neck