Posture 101: Why Is Posture So Important?

Shirtless Man's Back

One of the things we see a lot of is people with back pain from text neck — looking down at their phones — but we also see people walking around who have adapted to bad posture. Slouchy, arched back walking and standing can be bad for your health. But how?

Bad posture can deepen depression

A study conducted by the San Francisco State University found that when asking people walking down a hill to either skip or slouch, that those who skipped not only had higher energy levels, but also were generally happier and less depressed.

It can cause aches and pains all over your body

Because slouching causes your shoulders to come forward along with your neck and head, you may be experiencing pain that you don’t know is due to your slouching. You can experience pain in your neck, back, shoulders, and even your jaw. Slouching and poor posture can put lots of strain on the lower back as well.

It backs you up – in more way than one!

Poor posture, including crossing of the legs one over another, can back up blood flow, bodily fluids, and gases around your body. Poor posture such as sitting crunched up can cause you to experience back ups in the body related to your bathroom habits, too, due to the way your intestines may be positioned in your body.

Makes you look heavier than you are

Bad posture can make you round your back and roll your shoulders forward, giving you a thicker profile. By fixing your posture, you may find that you not only look skinnier, but you’ll also be happier with your overall look.

Take a look at this infographic that explains more:

Need help with your posture? Contact us today!

Spring Gardening: Avoiding Aches and Pains in the Garden

Purple Flowers

Spring is technically here. With the first day of Spring being Monday, March 20th this year, a lot of people are itching to get outside to start doing some yard work. While the ground may still be frozen and yard work may be some ways away, you might start thinking about your gardening early this year. Many people love trimming up bushes and trees or planting seeds and bulbs in the ground. One thing to keep in mind, especially as you age, is the toll extended sitting, bending over, or doing a variety of garden chores can do on your body. Sudden aches and pains can be a very clear indicator of this and usually the first one you may see, as well as next day soreness or tight muscles.

How can you mitigate these aches and pains while still being able to enjoy what you love doing outside in the garden? We have some solutions for you.

Continue reading Spring Gardening: Avoiding Aches and Pains in the Garden

Winter Sports Stretches

If you’re an avid skier or snowboarder, you know the importance of stretching before and after a fun session down the mountain. If you’re more like most of us, you might go once a season with friends or family just for a fun time. If this is more like you, it’s more important than ever to do stretches before and after to mitigate pain from over stretching your muscles and using muscles more than you normally use them in your daily activities. Stretching will also help you avoid winter sport muscle injuries.

Winter sports have a lot in common. When you’re skiing you may use some of the same muscles you use if you’re snowboarding. Let’s go through some great stretches you can practice to help shape you up for your time up on the mountain.

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Chiropractic Care of the Upper Back

There are many sources of dysfunction in the upper back, especially when we consider the numerous joints and the interlacing of muscles that comprise the thoracic spine and rib cage. If one muscle or joint is injured or inflamed, it can create a cascade of pain and dysfunction that can be difficult to treat.

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Text Neck – What Looking Down at your Cellphone Does to your Posture

A large portion of my practice involves treating patients for a condition called “upper-crossed syndrome.” This involves muscles of the neck and shoulders becoming tight and/or weak, resulting in a sort of slumped posture. Typically, this develops over a period of 10 or more years. More recently, another similar condition is becoming prevalent; “Text Neck.”

Text Neck is a novel term to describe how people look while constantly using their mobile devices, (forward rolled shoulders, a hunch at the base of the neck, and head tilted forward about 45 degrees). But it’s more than how people look; it sums up the cause of why these people end up with neck and shoulder pain.

Continue reading Text Neck – What Looking Down at your Cellphone Does to your Posture