Spring Gardening: Avoiding Aches and Pains in the Garden

Purple Flowers

Spring is technically here. With the first day of Spring being Monday, March 20th this year, a lot of people are itching to get outside to start doing some yard work. While the ground may still be frozen and yard work may be some ways away, you might start thinking about your gardening early this year. Many people love trimming up bushes and trees or planting seeds and bulbs in the ground. One thing to keep in mind, especially as you age, is the toll extended sitting, bending over, or doing a variety of garden chores can do on your body. Sudden aches and pains can be a very clear indicator of this and usually the first one you may see, as well as next day soreness or tight muscles.

How can you mitigate these aches and pains while still being able to enjoy what you love doing outside in the garden? We have some solutions for you.

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Figuring Out What To Do With Your Aches & Pains

It Hurts

If you were to look in your medicine cabinet, you probably have Tylenol, Advil, aspirin and maybe even some other pain relieving medications. When something hurts it seems like our first instinct is to reach for any one of these medications. And if it hurts badly enough, we take a trip to our doctor to prescribe something a little stronger. Unfortunately, this sort of behavior has contributed, directly in some cases, to the opioid and heroin problems we see daily in New Hampshire.

So what can you do if you have pain? Are there alternatives to taking medications? Is there a way to prevent these aches and pains in the first place? Follow the instructions below for what else you can do to help yourself rather than relying on medications. And keep in mind that you’re better off trying to prevent pain than waiting to treat it.

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Winter Sports Stretches

If you’re an avid skier or snowboarder, you know the importance of stretching before and after a fun session down the mountain. If you’re more like most of us, you might go once a season with friends or family just for a fun time. If this is more like you, it’s more important than ever to do stretches before and after to mitigate pain from over stretching your muscles and using muscles more than you normally use them in your daily activities. Stretching will also help you avoid winter sport muscle injuries.

Winter sports have a lot in common. When you’re skiing you may use some of the same muscles you use if you’re snowboarding. Let’s go through some great stretches you can practice to help shape you up for your time up on the mountain.

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Sitting vs Standing In The Workplace: Which is better? Part 1

When you’re at work you often times don’t have the option of choosing whether you can sit or stand all day. If you’re lucky enough to be able to choose, it’s important to know which one will benefit you more. Office environments oftentimes have a lot of sitting employees for an extended period of time, while cashiers, tellers, and other professions, usually in the vein of retail, see employees standing for long periods of time.

With the “invention” of ergonomic desks, it may seem enticing to get a standing desk. Manufacturers of these desks often boast about the health benefits of standing in your workplace as well as the hazards of sitting. While it may seem like a good idea to stand at your desk, both too much standing and too much sitting can have some major effects on your health.

Continue reading Sitting vs Standing In The Workplace: Which is better? Part 1