Work-From-Home Burnout? Try this

Working from home at a laptop

Working from home is the norm for many of us, and is not for many more. During this time of pandemic, many workplaces are leaning on work-from-home setups to ensure that their company keeps operating smoothly. Still, it can be easy to feel burned out while working from home. With so much happening over a short period of time that yet feels like a long period of time, you are not alone. If you’re feeling tired, sluggish, and unmotivated working-from-home, you may need a little bit of a pick-me-up. Try these easy tricks to help you start feeling better.

Why do I feel so bad?

There’s a lot of things happening right now, and the big thing is that your routines are wildly out of whack. You’re no longer getting in a car and going to work, or hitting up the fast food place, or going to see your favorite band in concert, or hanging out with friends and family. Even though these things seem very little, they’re a big part of your mental health and social welfare. In addition to this, working-from-home can blur the line between “relaxing” at home and “working” at the office. Every moment in your home can feel like you’re working when you should be relaxing and taking time off. Some folks are even struggling to sleep; with constant changes in what’s happening with COVID-19, world politics, or otherwise, it’s not hard to see why these constant disruptions can have such an impact on our health.

How can I feel better?

There are a few things you can do to help you regain control of your routine.

#1: Stick to a sleeping schedule

If you’re getting up at different times during the day, and going to be at different times, ensuring you’re sticking to a sleeping schedule can help bring balance to your daily routine and help give your brain the appropriate times to determine when it should be “awake” and when it should be “tired”. Try to avoid napping during the day so you don’t mix up your signals in your brain and end up more tired in the end.

#2: Limit screen time

Limiting screen time was easy when you could go somewhere and be away from a screen for a while. Now, it’s more difficult. With teleconferencing, Zoom calls, constant check-ins via text or social media, and more, we’re spending more time in front of screens than ever before. Try to do an activity that doesn’t require screen time, like cooking, baking, drawing, or a board game. If the weather is nice, go outside for a walk (take the dog with you!) or putter around the garden. This can help reduce strain on your eyes and help you regain balance.

#3: Drink more water and limit alcohol consumption

When you’re in control of making the coffee, suddenly it’s really easy to drink a whole pot of it. Try to limit the amount of caffeine intake you’re drinking daily, and try to substitute with more water.

Alcohol may seem like a great way to cope, but alcohol can make you feel drowsy and give you lousy sleep patterns. A glass of wine at dinner likely won’t harm you, but more than that may cause problems.

#4: Take a break and exercise

Remember, if you weren’t working from home, and you were at the office you might be taking a moment to talk to a coworker, go to the watercooler, head to the bathroom, or take a quick stretch break. It’s OK to allow yourself to take a break while working. Don’t forget to get some steps in, and exercise if you can, even if it’s just a walk or jog. 

How are you doing while working from home? Do you have any tips for us? Let us know in the comments below!

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