How Important is Sleep?

Sleeping person

If sleep is something you take for granted, it may be time to give it a little more attention. Studies show that people ages eighteen to sixty four should be getting between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night, and people under 13 should get up to 11 hours. Sleep is one of the key elements to maintaining physical and mental health and many people simply do not get enough. 


If you have felt foggy or distracted before but couldn’t pin-point why, lack of sleep could be the reason. A good night’s sleep can drastically impact your ability to concentrate and think clearly. Not enough sleep can even create the same feeling as alcohol intoxication!

Less risk of heart disease and stroke

Researchers have found that there is a connection between chronic diseases and sleep, especially heart disease and stroke. A lack of sleep places you at a far greater risk to heart disease and stroke than someone who gets their recommended 7-9 hours of sleep. 


Have you ever gone to sleep with an upset stomach and woken up feeling brand new? That could be because sleep gives your body time to do its job, without any distractions. While you sleep, you cannot eat or drink so it gives the tissues of your digestive system time to rebuild and repair. This is especially important for people with IBS and acid reflux since stress can be tied to both lack of sleep and poor digestion. 

Immune function

A good night’s sleep actually has the potential to protect you from a cold. It is true; studies show that people who regularly get less than 7 hours of continuous sleep are more at risk for catching a cold than those who get 8 hours or more. If you are prone to catching a cold, consider getting some more rest!

Ward off depression

Sleep is important not just for your body, but also your mental health. Many mental health issues are linked to lack of sleep. Depression, one of the most common mental illnesses, is one of them. Researchers found that around 90% of people with depression have trouble sleeping and people who experience insomnia are more likely to develop depression.

The next time you put off sleep for another episode of your favorite show, remember that the amount of sleep you get can change your life. We hope we have sufficiently highlighted the importance of sleep. At Progressive Spine & Rehab Center, we’re always here to help you live your best and healthiest life. Contact us to schedule your appointment today!

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